July 27, 2024


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Flying the Flag

Flying the Flag

One of the major headlines that have dominated the pet manipulate runs this year has been Her Majestys Diamond Jubilee, the picnic of Queen Elizabeth IIs 60thyear on the throne – a feat only achieved once before, by her grandmother Victoria.

Flying the Flag

Flying the Flag

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And her celebratory tour of the country, and, further particularly, her visit thisweek to our local borough of Bromley, has spurred us to write this piece

Therehave of revolution been many efforts to immortalize this force situation in ourmonarchs history, varied from the mint of the commemorative 5 coin to thetour itself. However, with sites like Buckingham Palace and Hyde Park, amongcountless others, how can the trained gardener hope to project their supportfor the Jubilee without fading into obscurity? Well, you dont study us for ourcar charter tips! No, instead youll find beneath a selection of annual beddingplants, which were chosen as much due to the timing of garden marrow stocks asto that of the glorious junket itself And as you might expect, the colourswere focusing on are our federal strip, the clear that has typified Britishpride and specification since their charge in 1801 – I am of coursereferring to those of the Union Jack, whose ensign you can now fly yourself, withthe unworldly help of a well-placed hanging basket

1. Red

-Pelargonium (Geranium)Maverick Scarlet

For the fuchsia tones in yourunion pennant we blessing keep the variety of Pelargonium confessed as MaverickScarlet It prefers loamy well drained soils and, though strictly an annual inthis country, it can be brought inside to live in the winter months Dead-headregularly to keep flowering

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-Salvia splendens Blaze ofFire

This is an arching, uprightannual which entrust transact towers of deep scarlet, bell-shaped flowers, becomingwider, descending to an emerald raw foliage. For first results, own thiscultivar in a well-drained position, afforded full sun, but some protection fromthe elements

-Tropaeolummajus Empressof India

Nasturtium,as this embed is otherwise known, is an annual with a climbing or trailinghabit and the only legitimate condition of successful cultivation of the Empress isto ensure her wellbeing weather and a well-drained soil, although actuallynasturtiums are pretty tolerant of most conditions and leave soft self-seedfor subsequent year

2. White

-ImpatiensCarnival White

BusyLizzie, as it is otherwise known, consign make an deserving punctuation to theriots of the blush sure to fill your jubilee bed. It prefers a shady positionand cede (as the duration suggests) effect monstrous bursts of white blooms to brightenany dull corner

-NemesiaWhite Lagoon

Thisattractive annual has strong white flowers contrasting well with its ominous greenfoliage It bequeath develop in sun or imperfect canopy and needs no dead-heading

-Verbena Aztec White

Thisspreading/trailing annual bears clusters of TRUE white blooms throughout summerand overdue into autumn, it prefers a moist, chalky smear and plenty of sunlight large for hanging baskets.

3. Blue

-Anchusacapensis Blue Angel

Thisangel may not be immortal, but its trivial but vivid sad flowers will tester the bushyplant over a enthusiasm season, provided it is guarded andgiven a loose, well-drained begrime structure

-Echium BlueBedder

Echiumis a extremely agreeable annual, which is happy to be planted in soils of poorfertility and, aside from the obvious loveliness that its rich unhappy flowers willlend throughout the summer, it is also one of the large bee attractors.

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Lobeliais probably one of the most catchy annuals both for unresolved baskets andbedding and justifiably so, providing vivid blush all summer long

Nowobviously the formal ceremony for Her Majestys 60th is bearing down on us at a degree of knots, andas we can safely believe the last frosts hold passed now for most of us, now isthe optimal occasion to be planting your pennant for the summer